February 10, 2012

[School Blues]

G had been going into P1 for almost a month with not much complaints and quite a lot of joy and laughter. So much so that we were totally thrown aback when just 2 weeks ago, she became very reluctant to go to school, starting with crying before school starts, to an all out tantrum every single day for the past week. It has been very very trying on the teachers in school, the councillors and of course on poor G herself. It is also very very bewildering for us, who have seen her happy and cheerful face the whole morning, just for her to degenerate into the toddler behavior of scratching, crying, hysterical and screaming "no! no!" tantrums. Her separation anxiety really peaked today, where poor V had to be the one ferrying her to school and she clung to the school gates in a panic and refused to be cajoled to get into school. The other parents who were waiting outside the school gates probably felt so sorry for her as she resisted every single attempt to be led into school. According to the school, she can calm herself down quite quickly once she is in school and out of our sight. It is almost like she has set herself an internal "blowup" clock, which goes off just as she reaches the school gates and is just as easily disarmed once the 2nd period is over. In fact, she herself has come back home - always happy and smiling - to say that she feels absolutely fine after 2nd period but she just hates school.
We are at our wits end on how to deal with this situation, as it just becomes increasingly difficult to "force" her to remain in school. We have tried all methods, reasoning with her, writing coping cards, making little notes and photos to bring to school. The school advocates the firm approach, and from observation, it really does seem to work. If only the separation part can be less traumatic for all parties!
Also, in light of all these, it really does make me feel so appreciative of all the love and concern being shown to us. A BIG Thank You to those who listened, who talked, who prayed, who sent me countless smses of encouragements.... it was so great to know that we're not alone in this.

Some sources which I've been reading and have been invaluable in their advice and positivity.
Separation Anxiety, The Anxious child, The sensitive child. While I'm against labelling, reading it does make one much less worried and know that at least there is some way of overcoming this.

A little LO to remind her how beautiful and good she is. (it's the japan trip pix cos that's how long it's been since I last printed out my photos!)
I found this label from a dress that is sooo true - Handle with Love.

So touched by this little note her 10 yr old distant cousin (in the same sch) wrote to her to cheer her up.

Links on books about bullying by a fellow mum.
Over the weekend, we made it down to the civic district and tried out this place - Strictly Pancakes.
Distracting the girls with UNO cards are great for stopping the quarrels.

Look at that super happy face! This is the G we know and love.....Yums.
It is just opposite the SOTA campus. A nice shady spot for some weekend indulgence :)
K obviously enjoyed it...By the time the desserts arrived, we were sooo full from the pancakes! Who knew 3 pieces of savory pancakes with miniscule slices of chicken and sausages can prove to be so filling!

Here's to a great weekend and a good week ahead!


Jessie said...

Jacq, nothing to worry about. she will get around it. just remember how she was like when she first go to kindie and how you and her get by eventually. she will do fine in no time... cheerios.

Emma said...

Hi, J
Enjoy reading your blog for some time, my 4-year-old eldest girl is also very tall, very mature looking from young. Hehe......It seems never ending mental challenge when I talk with my eldest girl.

Hope that G enjoys schooling soon!

JACQ said...

Thanks for all the wellwishes! It is off to a good start this week, let's hope it is the turning point!

Cookie Cutter said...

Hi Jacqueline, hope your little girl will settle down soon. I'm sure she will cos I recall being quite a problem for my mum on my first day at school too. haha!

Btw, thanks for coming by last Sat. It was nice chatting :)