After many many trial and errors, I have finally migrated the blog over to Wordpress..... So, it's now HERE.
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I will try to blog more often..... the postings in 2012 have been dismal to say the least! haha....
April 29, 2012
April 01, 2012
[Tokyo Day 02 : Shimo-kitazawa]
A new discovery (for us) off blog-land, there's a really interesting little place in Tokyo - Shimo Kitazawa. We had such a good time walking around the little shops there, many many of my favorite types - Haberdashery shops, little knick knack shops etc... even a super cool coffee shop! Well worth a visit, it is one of those quintessentially japanese places which are full of young and trendy people, not the super hyped up sort, but a more low-key down to earth type. It's also home to many of the "new discoveries", there were many interesting shops that stocked local up and coming designers. It really reminded me of the bricklane, hoxton scene in London, just on the crux of becoming trendy.
Early morning shot of our Breakfast room at the Ryokan.
K and her "milk-iru"
Us in front of the Ryokan. K is super pleased with her Bunny! (and me with my new Tsumori Chisato hat!)
Details of a train platform
We made a slight detour to visit Sejima's Shibaura House. Admittedly, it's our only architectural visit this trip (guilty!) and unfortunately for us, it was closed for a private event. Will definitely do more research next time and visit when there are hopefully some workshops! (esp THIS one!)
Quirky shops full of interesting clothes.

Really cool brand - it says Ohio but surprise surprise, it's actually Japanese! :) How quirky... Read more about it HERE. Clothes were too ex so I came out empty handed. K was really funny though in the shop, she kept looking around for the 2 cats!
Bought too much fabric from this shop!
The famous Bear Pond Cafe - The coffee really does tastes very different!
K happily munching on all the different snacks available! She also insisted on buying a drink at almost every other vending machine!
Toyo's Eggs - designer egg shop! :)
Me in front of my favorite type of shop!
Vintage clothing galore

Recommended over HERE, we stumbled upon this cafe while walking around the streets. The food was really good and the atmosphere delightful. K loved the platform and sitting on the floor dining. Us, not so much as there were so many layers to remove before we can sit down comfortably!
After a whole day of shopping, it was really relaxing to be back in the Ryokan to enjoy our family bath :)

March 24, 2012
[Tokyo Day 01: Naka-meguro, Daikanyama]
Apologies for not blogging for so long!! Since my parents came on this trip to Japan with us, and also because of the instantaneous nature of FaceBook, blogging has somehow fallen off the "things to do when we get back" list! Most of the pictures have already been uploaded onto FB, but I guess it is still a nice thing to document our trip on my blog (just for posterity's sake!) and also to link up to those helpful links (just in case we're going back to Hokkaido again)
The 1st 3 days were spent in Tokyo, just the 2 of us with K, as G had to finish up her school term (now that she's in a proper school!). With just 1 kid and in a pram, it was so simple! K being K, was the most undemanding girl. She was easily amused and can sit in her pram so obligingly! I guess G was the same at this age. The best thing about it all, she fell asleep promptly every afternoon at 2pm, for long 1.5-2hr naps, so it's guilt-free shopping for both of us! :)
Against our better judgement, we flew SQ red-eye flight from SG - Narita. As had happened our last red-eye with G, it was totally not a child-friendly flight at all! Owells, now we know! Plus felt totally cheated that the children's pack, just a few miserly activity pads, not even a bag to put it in! (CX & JAL tie for best airlines for kiddie freebies in my experience).
So happy to be in JAPAN!!!
Arrived to a sleepy day at Asakusa, but it was great to revisit our old haunts - the Ryokan was so familiar and comfy! K of course was still fast asleep when we arrived and only woke up when it was time for breakfast.
Our pose in front of the Ryokan (As before!)
After reading all about this up and coming hip and trendy place - Naka-Meguro - we just had to visit! Lots of nice cafes and bookstores as mentioned on all the blogs, but I found it to be too spread out and quiet. I suppose it is really meant for the well acquainted to slowly discover every little street. Not something we can really do when we have limited time and 1 very cranky (due to the red-eye) child to contend with!

The streets were beautiful though, the canal so picturesque and the shops that line it so nice and forbiddingly expensive!!
The good thing about hip areas is that they have hip supermarkets!! Which is the one we stumbled upon and where we bought our supermarket meals for lunch! Of course the Jap supermarket being so considerate, had absolutely everything - microwave, disposable cutlery, even an ice machine!
K obviously approves :)
We then headed to nearby Daikanyama for even more shopping!! By this time, K has fallen asleep in her pram for her after lunch nap, so it's for a more leisurely shop and walk in the higgledy piggledy streets.

Lots of interesting little shops to explore
Some details of the V's outfit
Me in my trusty scarf specially commissioned and ordered from HERE. (she doesn't lists scarves anymore, you'll have to convo her)
Daikanyama T-site - a place we have not been to on our last trip. Nice shops and lots of interesting things to see but WAY too pricey imho.
We ended up going to shops we went to previously, bought a few more of these little creatures, this time a super snuggly blankie too!
Quirky little shop that just sold TOMATOES! So perfectly Japanese!
K woke up just in time for dinner. We had Pancakes! What a treat.... look at her delighted face!
Little bunny joined us :)
So concluded Day 01.... stay tuned.....
The 1st 3 days were spent in Tokyo, just the 2 of us with K, as G had to finish up her school term (now that she's in a proper school!). With just 1 kid and in a pram, it was so simple! K being K, was the most undemanding girl. She was easily amused and can sit in her pram so obligingly! I guess G was the same at this age. The best thing about it all, she fell asleep promptly every afternoon at 2pm, for long 1.5-2hr naps, so it's guilt-free shopping for both of us! :)

We then headed to nearby Daikanyama for even more shopping!! By this time, K has fallen asleep in her pram for her after lunch nap, so it's for a more leisurely shop and walk in the higgledy piggledy streets.

So concluded Day 01.... stay tuned.....
March 05, 2012
[Happy 7th Birthday Gracie!]
"Gracie loves mummy, Gracie loves daddy." These were the first few sentences that you wrote into our iPhones when we first bought them, and I can't bear to erase them even after upgrading the phones 3 times over. We sometimes take for granted how much you rely on us for guidance, for love, for approval. You might already be a big 7 yr old, but to us, you are always that little precious baby doll. You are full of your own opinions, full of your own peculiar brand of logic, your super hyperactiveness. You talk nineteen to the dozen and continue to love books and reading. (ESP about ghosts, poisons and wierd tales!) these few weeks in primary have been tough of you, adapting to school has been harder than anything you have done so far, and through this whole experience, we have learnt much more about your personality, your temperament and your wiles and ways. We have also learnt about parenting a strong willed child (which you undoubtably are!!) of how to separate discipline from the loving, how to inculcate good behavior through example. We have been put through so many parental hurdles, that sometimes we are at our wit's end! But always, you seem to be stronger than all of us, when you manage to psyche yourself to do well in school, the determination you have to overcome this little setback at the start of your Primary school journey. You do us so proud when you are YOU.... please don't stop being that irrepressible little energiser bunny :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetheart!!! Love mummy + daddy
Looking all grownup before your dinner party
Swishing those long long skirts :)
Beautiful little girl
G + V
G + me
This year, we eschewed the traditional birthday party for a more intimate dinner treat with just close family. We told G that it will be a quiet one as we'll be spending the rest of her birthday in JAPAN!!!
Here's all of us.... dinner at House followed by icecream desserts at Ben & Jerry's!
The food was really good.... we ate till we were super super full!
Surprisingly, the girls didn't mind the greens that much, and really loved the crispy crusts and the mozzarella cheese!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetheart!!! Love mummy + daddy

February 24, 2012
Time flies, just 1.5 weeks to japan...... Can't wait!!!
Also, we have been very honoured to be published in the latest Cubes magazine. You can read snippets HERE, or buy the latest issue at the newstands :)
Here are some pictures of us that were used:

We have always wanted to be known for the way we work and practice, so this article really does showcase the type of practice we have set out to create. It should not be just about glossy images and stylistic vignettes, but more of the thinking behind creating the spaces. Hopefully the article conveys that message!
All our purchases (or rather V's purchases for us) have arrived from eBay. :) It was fun trying out the winterwear. I will have to take a photo of all the nice stuff!

We visited Public Garden last weekend too, but it was quite disappointing as the venue was rather small and not as many stalls (in my opinion) participated. Was nice to bump into one of my regular reads Cookie Cutter there... and also this new stall!

G also had a playdate with her best friend from Kindie. The girls LOVED playing together, so nice to see her so happy! School issues are still there..... getting slightly better. As most things go, there are good days, then there are the not so good days. We're learning to not expect too much and just go with the flow! Of course it really helps that my parents are around to send her to school, makes it much easier for her and for us! Plus K gets to have lunch w us everyday now, which is a nice bonus :)
We also had a birthday party.... cute little girls!
G's drawings are getting more and more detailed. This is the princess, the catapult, the castle and the dragon. Together with a knight on a horse! :)
Also, we have been very honoured to be published in the latest Cubes magazine. You can read snippets HERE, or buy the latest issue at the newstands :)
Here are some pictures of us that were used:

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