November 12, 2006

[newborn babes]

Went to visit a 'long-ago' friend last weekend. You know - the friends whom you were once close to, a very long time ago - in high school, in college. Life moves on, and sometimes our friendships move on as well with time, but for some of them, they just stay stagnant. For the longest time, I have tried (ok, not very hard) to maintain and upkeep these recalcitrant friendships. But it's taxing and i'm often left heartbroken, as i sense it's probably just me. Anways, M, one of those Long-Ago friends, who left straight after high school to another country, another life... has just given birth. As usual, i had mixed feelings about attending yet another 'gathering', only going as a sense of duty, and also, to meet the other girlfriends who were going (the ones i had more success in maintaining a semblance of friendship with). But, i have to say - a new born has a way of changing peoples lives. The said friendship has been rejuvenated by a common joy, a common topic of burping, breastfeeding, giving birth, being mum. And it's the most wonderful feeling, she's the happiest i've seen her for a long long time. I'm so happy that she's happy, and out of all that, i hope we can continue this ease of talking...

so, to celebrate little d's arrival, this is what i've made -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow ! I love it ! and I like the use which you made of the chipboards letters