It was a really loooooong weekend, full of activities for the kids. We love discovering new places and meeting up with friends, all of which we did in heaps last weekend. Fun!

We nearly went to the reservoirs for a picnic, but it was threatening to rain in the morning, so we only managed to visit a nearby playground for a bit of a run around after our breakfast.

To the girls, it doesn't have to be anywhere special, so long as there are slides, some little climbing structure, and they are good to go!

K getting into her favorite pose.

While K napped, I had a fun time bringing G out for a girly hi-tea at House. She was so well-behaved! We had crumpets and pies, wonderfully civilised coffee and tea, while G indulged in a whole bowl of truffle fries. She's so giggly and fun when she's away from her little sister, no need to affect wierd baby voices, no hint of that angst tantrummy little girl at all! It was so good to catch up with 'old' friends. We definately need to do this more often!

Saturday night was the annual Halloween party at our neighborhood. Yes, 1 week later than the calendar, only because Halloween coincided with exams! So it was postponed by 1 week. Yup, only in Singapore do such things happen! haha....

K was the adorable scary fairy, but I don't think she looked scary at all! Thanks for Auntie PS for the face paints. G was flitting about too much for me to take a decent pic. The other entrants really put in lots of effort though! Going all out with their costume and face paint. Owell, maybe next year I'll do more than face painting... :P

Sunday morning, after G's ballet class, we went to the newly opened Tott's at Sime Darby. It was fantastic, we were there just after opening hours and almost had the whole place to ourselves! The best part was baking with the girls, without all the washing up! :)

Look at everybody's gleeful faces....

V took this shot of the girls, so cute!

Our completed cookies. Unfortunately, the cookies didn't stay in the tin for too long! By the end of the afternoon, it was all in our tummies :)

G in her step stool.

After that, the weather was tooo nice to go home, so we ventured to the nearby horse stables. It is amazing that this green and lush landscape is just a 2 min drive from our house!! We were pleasantly surprised to find this gem of a place. I've read about it on some foodie blogs and finally we are able to visit Mimolette.

The fantasy land grounds

Looking at butterflies

G pronounced the food there "good"! :) Of course, brunch was pretty ex. But I guess you pay for the ambience as well as the food. (which was really good btw)
Sunday afternoon was spent getting re-acquainted with M, who G hasn't met in a long while! It was fun watching them play. These 2 kids who are born 1 day apart. They have a wierd sense of humour and seem to 'get' each other. At least there were no huge fights and they were kept busy most of the afternoon amusing themselves, while their mummies did what mummies did best - talk! :P
Phew, seems like a marathon of events, but actually it was quite a relaxing weekend. I had time to chill and catch up with old friends, while the girls had some 1 on 1 time with both parents. As they grow older, it is much easier to engage them in activities we like. The whole exploring new places part, and trying out new restaurants, meeting up with friends for tea, these are things which they are more and more able to join in.
Hi, just want to know how much u pay to bake the cookies,looks fun guess my girls will like it.
Hi!! It's $12.40 for 200g of dough, which yielded 14 medium size cookies for us. :) quite good for 1 experience, but prob ex to do regularly!!
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