October 10, 2006

[sunday activities]

I've been guilty of wanting much more 'me' time. It's inevitable, it's the weekend, we need our own time to do our own leisure activities. With a child, that amount of 'me' time is cut down drastically to the few hours when she naps in the day, and whatever scraps is left of the night after she falls asleep. The rest of the time is spent trying to keep gracie entertained and hopefully intellectually stimulated! So, apart from some trips out - zoo, beach, kiddie playgrounds - I've decided to have some time with gracie every sunday doing crafty things. These would be things which I would like to do as well, like baking cookies (ok, we haven't got THAT far, the stuff we've been making so far are hardly edible) making cushions, creating a cardbox car. Basically CREATING. i think it's pretty wondrous to watch something come out of nothing. Also, it's a great way to spend that sulky sunday...

Here's the first activity - dough cake making! (flour + water = tons of fun!)

1 comment:

StormMummy said...

Great idea about doing CRAFTY stuff on Sunday mornings. Perhaps i shall endeavour to do more of such stuff and less of visiting shopping malls!!