September 15, 2008

[sleepless in punggol]

It's been a crazy week, rushing around on site, working on a competition dateline, producing some pitches (thanks to my parents and inlaws for the help with the girls)..... so thankful it'll be over soon! Hopefully we get to enjoy a proper weekend next weekend with the girls.

K is getting so mobile now! I'm surprised she's not walking yet, but she scoots around and climbs just about anything....
Here's how she does it:
Checking out if it's possible to climb the ledge
Climbing up and making lots of noises so that big sister G gets out of the way
Going straight up!
Looking around to see if anybody is chasing after her to get her off the ledge
Finally spotting mummy with the camera
Deciding that mummy seems like a fun target
Climbing down and it's the calm before she grabs something that i have
Looking around me for her sister
Success! mummy's camera cover is a suitable 'non-toy' toy.... sigh.
G in her cute outfit all dressed up for the lantern festival.

HAPPY LANTERN FESTIVAL! *i'm totally maxed out on all that mooncake eating.... :P

1 comment:

Chowchow said...

Hi Jacqueline,

Dear Ingvild,

My name is Michelle aka chowchow from Malaysia. I run the Malaysian Scrapper's Society blog - This is a non-profit blog which is run by me to promote scrapbooking in Malaysia. I am writing to you to ask you for your permission to link your blog to ours. Hope this is agreeable to you as I am sure the malaysian scrappers will gain inspirations from your beautiful work. Hope you will say yes.

Thank you for you kind attention and hope to hear a favourable reply from you soon.

