I know i posted that i'll be coming up with a Mid Month Challenge
HERE, but it seems that it's not my turn this month. Do check back on the 15th Feb for a fabulous challenge hosted by fellow DT and a good friend -
I - though. :) So, since i've already a challenge all prepared, it seems a wasted oppurtunity, that's why i'm hosting the challenge on this blog instead :) I do hope you'll all spare some time to take part in it! :) I had a lot of fun creating the challenge and i do hope it'll be a nice little pressie for that special someone in your life.
jacQ's - LOVE LETTERS challenge :1. Scrap about the people that you LOVE (this can be yourselves too!); journal about what they mean to you right now.
2. Create at least 6 pages of 6x4 pages
3. Include photos of INDIVIDUALS - it can be a group shot, but the special someone / something needs to the focus.
4. Use a common stationery item (eg. Post-its, masking tape, old calenders, journal papers etc)
That's it! not too much criterias, but do take a real hard look at yr stash and purge!!! :)

an old calender... perfect!

the base of my mini album are actually old attendance cards which i found at a stationary shop. You can also use library cards or large tags.

I lined the back of each page with the old calender, then added 1 tag per page.

On the side with the photo, i used 1 inch strip of 7G flocked papers, but you could use any scrap piece, as it's only 1"x4", it is ideal to use up stash!

embellish with letter stickers.

To give a bit of dimension and difference to the album, i put in stationary tags, which are great as a base for journalling spots.

Hambly love themed rubons complete the look!

Don't be afraid to use "seasonal" products as well. Here, all the tags are using OA's Xmas range, but as the colours and sentiments go really well, i used them all! (i cut out the more obvious xmas references like the snowman)

These sassafrass stickers have been in my stash for the longest time! perfect as the last page :)

Voila! :) A great little mini album, now i just need to bind it and present it to the special someone.
Stay tune to the prize that i'll be giving away for this little game.
How about a 14th Feb dateline?
ETA: please post a comment here with a link to Flickr or Photobucket for your creation. I'll be selecting the best minialbum on the 15th Feb!
so fun!! i sure hope i can find time to take part in the challenge!!
aiyo, quite a tight deadline....but sounds fun. Will see if I can take part!
Beautiful album Jacq !
So sorry, I was not even able to start on the album. But Happy Valentine's Day. Hey, check out my blog www.weesinmiri.blogspot.com for free downloadable Valentine's coupons!
Hello JacQ,
here is my submission.
Pls let me know your comments.
Happy Valantine.
Happy Valentine's Day!
didn't manage to get started, but I'll take this as a personal challenge and my next project..
>beautiful album
hi hi! i'm hoping there will be more submissions... but if there isnt', jing, please email me yr address for your little RAK!
my email - jacqvic@gmail.com
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