True to it's word, I'm already at the end of the 1st week of my polish life span. Not a nary of a blemish anywhere to be seen! I'm soooo happy to have found this and thanks to Dot, it is a really cool way of looking like a million dollars (without actually having to pay that much!) Next time I'll try the French Manicure, but the Gelish version of course! So, if you're like me, super klutzy and can't get your regular manicure to last more than a day - you definately need to try this out! And the deal that is currently at Dot's is super worth-it (esp since these are Power Nails! haha... they last longer than the regular, so you def make your dollar streeeeetch!)
The blurb:
Gel nail manicure - $60 OR
6 gel nail manicures - $320 (Guinot Istitute Hydrademie OR "peel in, peel out" (U.P. $160) FREE!
Plus no extra charge for removal of existing gel polish (U.P. $30)
If you take away the cost of the facial, it works out to be really affordable at only $27 per manicure - (or $700 worth of treatments for only $320!) a really good deal if you ask me!
PLUS: if you quote this blog, say "GraceKate", Dot will also throw in the following at HUGELY discounted rates:
1. Hydradermie treatment - $68 (U.P. $160)
2. Gel Manicure - $28 (U.P. $60)
3. Dolly Lash Perm - $28 (U.P. $60)
So, yup! I believe that we mummies should treat ourselves once in awhile, and what better way than to take a mummy day out and pamper yourself with any of the above.

And yes, i did promise to update on my attempt at being a grownup - well at least where the whole beauty regime is concerned.... :) So, I went back to Dot for my followup Guinot facial. I must say that overall, i definately felt that my face texture and skin is a lot less dry, and when makeup is applied, it went on more evenly and was absorbed better. Hopefully this means that i'll be able to age as gracefully as Audrey Hepburn.... haha. I'm now fully converted to maintaining a proper skincare regime - wash, tone, moisturize - repeat after me!!
Now, next on my list of "me" upgrades - looking properly at the food we eat and coming up with a more or less healthy diet!! (especially after watching Food Inc, which has TOTALLY put me off fast food for life!!!)