June 21, 2011

[Mommy's Day out - Part 1]

The girls were gone for a whole week, so when there was a chance for me to do a 'mummy's day out' in exchange for a review, I jumped on the chance! First off, I have to qualify that I'm definitely no expert in skincare, spa or such 'hi-maintenance' up-dos. It's not even one of those -"it's because i have 2 kids and do not have the time for it" situation, as even before the girls, i hardly ever did the monthly facials and bi-weekly manis and pedis that most working women practice. Much to the chagrin of my very much more well-maintained mum (who has nagged me time and again to go for a facial!) To me, i hardly see the point of spending hundreds of dollars at each session, and avoid the recent beauty parlor chains like the plague as i've had many occassions of being hounded to sign up for thousand dollar packages. However, this time round, i agreed cos i've known Dot for a few years now, introduced by my Sil, who goes there regularly for her bi-weekly manis and pedis. She has now moved from just walking distance from new house into town (just next to lasalle).
As my session was on a weekday, we started with a half hour detox soak in a bubbly jacuzzi, a much needed transition from a whole morning of intensive meetings.
After that, Dot took some time to explain my skin type (oily and prone to breakouts- yay >.<) and we selected the best treatments from the range of 5 star treatments from the French beauty label - Guinot. It's a series of treatments that will bring back much needed moisture into my seriously dry skin, and hopefully will also help to slow down the onset of wrinkles (something that has also been alarming me lately) The "hydrodermie lift" treatment will also visibly lift your skin almost 1 cm! It's like a botox treatment without all the needles :)
This is part of the whole wall of Guinot products that was used throughout the session, so you definitely get your money's worth in facial products!

After a full hour of treatment, my skin definitely felt less dry, and I left with the renewed hope of a much better looking skin (of course I had to buy a whole series of products.... But as I hardly spend any money on skincare, I thought it was pretty justified- "shh... Just don't tell V how much I actually spent!") Felt so adult with my full skincare regime every morning & night... I remember looking at my mum while she religiously did her daily morning and night routine. In 2 weeks time, I'll be going back for part 2 of my mommy's day out, will report on how my skin is doing!
This is the range of products which I've bought, so far, I've been using them religiously day and night, haven't really had much compliments on my complexion since, but then again, I've been on holiday! The 1 product which I've really enjoyed using has to be the exfoliating cream - this amazing chemical basically transforms from a gooey gel to a liquid cream as it breaks down the dead skin cells, there's something magical about the chemical reaction which gets me really excited everytime I use it (yes i'm nerdy like that)

So, to my readers out there, what's your skincare regime like? Do you believe in the monthly facials? All comments (and advice) welcome!

Details of my spa experience below:
Little Dot Haven
80 Bencoolen Street, #02-03 The Bencoolen, S189646
T: 6275 5886
W: www.littledotshaven.com.sg

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