October 09, 2009

[Happy Birthday K!]

Dearest K,
You are the happiest little baby that we have been so blessed to have! Before you were born, we worry that it will be difficult to cope with 2 girls. We worry that we will not be able to give you the same amount of attention and love that G had. Of course, you always had to share us with G, but I think that really shaped your personality. From the day that you were born, you have been such a joy! Your calm and cheerful personality was the perfect counterpoint to a more feisty older sister. :)
At 2, you are able to -
. Speak in complete sentences, although u can't quite pronounce S or F yet.
. Eat on your own (but you're still not on full solids!)
. Play all your games on my iPhone
. Surf your favorite websites on my computer (you esp love YouTube and will ask to watch Hokey Pokey everytime!)
. Play independantly on your own if there are enough things to keep you occupied (a life saver when both me and V are busy at work but need to babysit as well)
. Give spontaneous hugs to us all the time

Most of all, we love how you are so much your own little person, and at 2, you have such a strong personality and we love you so much! Happy Birthday little K! :)

1 day old
7 days old
2 months
7 months
9months1 yr old

15 months18 months


1 comment:

Creative Busy Bee said...

Happy Birtday to little K!