For those who haven't seen the previous entries, here they are:
entry #3.5_challenge - to use a wet medium for the LO. Paints are not my strong point, but i guess wat i wanted to do was to transform normal media with the application of paint. So i backpainted the Hambly screenprints and also the clear buttons, so that they had a gradated effect.

entry #3.0 - to use circles on a LO - no lines, just circles...

entry #2.0 - to use 13 pix on a single LO! another toughie for me, who usually only scraps with 1 pic on a page. But i'm totally liking this LO - really captured the mood of our fun times in Japan that one pic can never convey.

entry #1.0 - to journal on a photo. the idea for this LO has been in my head for awhile, and the challenge was a perfect oppurtunity to execute it. :D

you did us singaporeans proud! :D
hey jca. what is this competition about? looks like you are having loads of FUN! pls let us not scrap bookers in on those acronyms.. LO etc
oops anonymous comment was me. sheena
Awesome LOs, Jacq!
And congrats!
haha.... yup, there's a whole new world of scrap lingo out there! LO = Layout (scrap page) erm, mojo = inspiration.. effer dares = a bunch of crazy women in the states that set these challenges every week! :D
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