All in all, it was a great birth experience:
i went into hospital as planned at 7am in the morning on tues, put onto epidural and onto an oxytocin drip to induce the birth. My gynae burst the water bag and it was literally a swimming pool in there! No wonder my tummy was mega size. :) Right after that, the contractions came pretty regularly... unlike my 1st birth, the epidural dose this time around was only very slight, so i could experience the contractions. Once i've dilated to 10cm, the contractions come even stronger and along with it the urge to push. This is the first time i'm experiencing this as for G, the epidural took away all sensation below the waist. The gynae came and just 2 pushes later, Baby's out! It's amazing as the whole experience was extremely positive and also i was much more confident compared to the first birth.
So, announcing the birth of Baby #2 (no name as yet!) at 12:49pm, 9th October 2007, Length - 52cm, Weight - 3.53kg.

Amazing birth story! Oooh I totally love the picture of G holding her little sister! I cant wait to see layouts of the two sisters!!
Congrats Jacqueline! And what a cutie she is!! Your experience is very similiar to mine. Have loads of fun with your two girls!! :)
Jacq, congrats!! she is so cute!!
Aww how darling! Huge congrats! :D
Your new baby is precious!!! Congratulations to the whole family!!!
wow..congrats to u. Look forward to ur bb gal LO...hahahah
COngrautlations jacQ!!! What sweet girls you have there :)
Oh, wow. What a wonderful new blessing. Congratulations and enjoy these precious few days. =)
Congrats J!!!!! And Baby #2 is just adorable! As for you, you look AMAZING even after birth!! Again, Congrats
CONGRATS! She's so precious. What a cute little family you have.
Congrats ...
I agree you look great. Glad you had a positive exp. Baby is a sweetie, as is big sis.
(i found your blog through someone....don't remember who!... but i love your style and those album covers you make are BEAUTIFUL!!!)
having a baby deserves a BIG CONGRATULATIONS! to you and your family! your 'baby #2' is adorable! enjoy!!!
patty ;-)
congratulations & welcome to baby no: 2 you gotta get a better name for her LOL!
congrats!! She's soooooo cute!!
congratz!!! Wishing you little girl all the best of life!!
awww she's so cute!
congratulations!! :)
what a gorgeous baby girl, congrats to your beautiful family.
Oh my gosh! Both your daughters are gorgeous!!
She is SO beautiful!! Congrats mom!
congrats, again! :) She's a darling and it's so sweet to see G holding her little sis. Rest well.
Congrats, Jacq! Baby 2 is a big girl! Cute as a button! Rest well!
congrats Jacq!!! you look amazing after delivering that adorable bundle of joy...enjoy this time, she'll grow up fast!
congratulations again! what a cute baby! and so happy to hear g's doing great too!
She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!!
CONGRATS JACQ!!! I am soo amazed at the superfast delivery! The new baby is so cute and you look damn good for someone who's just given birth!!! (although you didn't need to exert yourself too much! =P) xox
congrats to you and your family, jacq! she's so beautiful!
Congrats! She's beautiful! =)
congratulations! she's gorgeous. You and your family have some fun times ahead of you.
Congratulations to the newly added member to your family! Love the photo where G holds her sis...she's such a darling!
congratulations!!she is adorable!!! that went fast:)
Congrats Jacq! She's gorgeous!!! Rest well and enjoy the baby.
HUGE congrats to the recent addition to the family! she's really adorable and beautiful (: G's being a really sweet jiejie too! hope to see new projects/LOs of the two pretty girls soon ;) take care!
Congrats ! She is beautiful.
Congratulations on your baby girl!!! She is absolutely perfect!
I am still waiting - my due date is this Sunday so here is hoping I don't have to wait to long! ;o)
Anna Sigga
Congrats on your little girl!!! She is so cute!!
congratulations!! she just beautiful! and what a proud big sister she has :)
congrats to you! your little girl is so sweet. :)
Congratulations Jacq! G is such a sweet darling, carrying her little sis and baby #2 look so sweet.
Rest well and take good care of yourself!
Congratulations Jacq! She's gorgeous and cute as a button!
Congrats Jacq on your #2!! She's beautiful!! G is so great with her sister!!
Krista in Erie PA
Aaawww she's so pretty!!! Congrsts! I want another one, too, lol!!!
Many blessings on your sweet family. She's beautiful.
Congrats Jacq! She's sweet and gorgeous!!! made me feel like carry her now ;) Rest well and eat well ;)
She's so beautiful! Congratulations Jacq!
Congratulations, dear Jacq!! The baby is sooo beautiful!
she is a doll! so happy for you & your family!!!
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