November 04, 2008


I live by my lists! i've always kept a daily planner, where i input all sorts of stuff, from 'real' appointments with other people, to little thoughts that i've to jot down, to things i want to do. Among them all, there are all these lists! Lists on what i need to buy from the grocery store, to lists on the current projects that i'm working on, to lists of what i need to do for work! Inspired by a great online friend's blog, i'm putting together a todo list for today.....

1. take pictures of all scrap and craft related stuff
2. november newsletter
3. pouches
4. take pictures of favorite places in the house (and pack up!)
5. laundry
6. scrap new pics
7. update etsy shop
8. make a baby layette set with new bibs and onesies
9. gocco!!
10. sew up bible / album covers

PHEW! now to get them all underway.....

some custom made pouches that have been sold
love the colours!
wonderful fabrics
all stacked up!

what are your lists? do share!!!

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