February 01, 2011

[Tokyo - Takayama : Day 02]

Day 02 - Tokyo - Takayama
The girls had to be forcefully roused from their cosy cosy futons (with layers of fluffy blankies) in the morning. We didn't really expect much of breakfast cos the reservation site online just said complimentary toast and coffee. But of cos in japan, everything is done with so much care and love, this translated to a full breakfast of - toast & coffee (juice for the girls), fried egg with yummy salad (!), banana, yoghurt and jam and butter. So yummy!
After our family packer- aka daddy- packed everything up for our trip to Takayama, we left for our 1st leg with 1 luggage. Caught the ginza line to ueno (unfortunately during morning rush hour, but it was an eye-opener for the girls) G said japan must be filled with millions of people! From there, we transferred to a shinkansen- (G: like an airplane with no wings) which took us to Nagoya. The 20min transfer time was a little stressful as we had to also buy our packed lunch, but we were right on time! The train was packed!! We had our cute little bento boxes, called Ekiben. In the train, and as soon as we left Nagoya, the scenery started to turn snowy. Little glimpses of snow in suburban japan turned into postcard scenery as the train wove it's way up north towards takayama. K obligingly fell asleep as soon as lunch was over and continued sleeping the whole journey there.
Lots of pics, let the pictures tell the story:
Pretty coffee cup
Our breakfast chef serving up the salad for the eggs
V and a view of the miniscule kitchen behind
A very excited G on her 1st full day in Japan

Us outside the Ryokan
Timer shot of all 4 of us
V and G clowning around
Backpack shop
The morning crowd

Getting our reserved tickets for the JR trains to Takayama
Snow snow snow!!!
G looking out of the window in barely contained excitement!
K sleeping almost the whole journey there
Glimpses of Fuji-san
Our Ekiben.

Next post coming up.... 1st impressions of Takayama!

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