love love
this song.... it always brings back memories of the super white, super chilly, super wintry christmas in europe, where for all the years that we were there, me and V will always be spending xmas in a different european city (as london was a ghost town anyways). It was so fun to spend the day just wandering about the streets, often in subzero temperature, going to early xmas mass, where we wouldn't understand a single word that is spoken, but the spirit of xmas transcended all that. I remember the smell of frankenscence in the church as sacreceour, the taste of mulled wine from a xmas stall in helsinki, the wonderful family xmas that we shared with friends in sweden, the magic of that first snow in czechoslovakia. Xmas is seriously magical, no matter all the retail hype and all the cynical merchandising. It is all about family, and love and the magic of all these intangible fleeting moments. Thanks for all the presents and here's wishing all of you a wonderful magical xmas and may all your wishes come true! :)
A photo diary of our xmas morning:
7am (g's first words - TODAY is xmas!!! Rushing out - Santa didn't take away any pressies (as we told her that she'll have to be nice, not naughty, otherwise the presents will disappear); but he didn't bring any new ones either!)

Busy opening all the presents while K looks on curiously....

Excited by her presents :)
8am: more presents opening
9am: Xmas breakfast of smoked salmon croissants (which neither kid liked... heh)

K not drinking her cereal..... but looking cute anyways in her little corner
10am : playing with playdoh set

11am: dressing up as a princess, complete with new accessories

K learning the twirl.... (this one is a real copycat :)
2pm: naptime

Everybody was sleeping the excitement of the morning off and i managed to scrap this :)